Saturday, November 13, 2010

"You're About To Learn '1001 Natural Beauty Tips' That Most Women Will Never Really Know In Their Entire Life!"

Real beauty is the result of proper skin care, body care, hands and legs care, hair care, healthy diet... definitely more than just face makeup.
"What's the secrets out there that you don't know that wilmake your body, mind and spirit shine with Magnetic Personality?.
Ladies, it's time to take a stand for true beauty! Our goal is to provide you with resources to help you find your true beauty and then to encourage you to display your true beauty and share it with others.
It is said that beauty is only skin deep sort of like don't judge a book by its cover and of course it is true that the real character of a person is more than appearance. However the harsh realities of life mean that the appearance of person is the first impression of what that person is like. It is a little shocking to know that you are 'summed up' in a single glance by prospective friends, possible lovers, and even employers. In fact it has been shown that even small babies are prone to make judgments about the faces that appear before them; they respond better to a symmetrical facial appearance.
This first impression occurs at the subconscious level and it is largely out of our control. It follows then that your facial appearance will either open doors for you to follow up or not. Your good appearance will give you chances that would not come otherwise. This will extend to your clothing and dress sense but nothing is more powerful than the face that you present.
You may have surgery to alter your appearance especially if you have some major facial issues and there is nothing wrong with that provided you are of mature age and have thought through the matter Other than that you are left with making the best of your facial appearance.
Finding the best facial skin products that are suited to you and your skin type can be a process. I know for myself that most cremes cause mild eruptions on my skin surface and I have had to search out those applications that are at least chemical free
If your skin is dry because it is unable to retain oil at its surface keeping the skin supple and smooth you can be subject to wrinkles and occasional outbreak of rashes and skin eruptions. Here you need good moisturisers with a mild oil base and hopefully chemical free. The oily type skin which is more Mediterranean generally has a nice smooth surface but can be subject to blocked pores producing blackheads and white heads. The best treatment here is getting a good toner or astringent that absorbs oils and reduces that shine effect on your face.
Consistent treatment of your skin on a daily basis with proper cleansing and appropriate additives according to your skin type. Don't forget the occasional facial with the beauty experts and that goes for men as well as women. We must also include adolescents if they have facial skin complaints for they can especially suffer the sense of rejection from their peers, be it real or imagined, and their confidence and self-esteem can be quite damaged
So while beauty is only skin deep it is also the societies way of making its first judgment of you whether we like or not - that's the reality. Take care of your skin, know your skin type and be regular in your facial treatments.

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